01“美國絕對只有一顆原子彈,滿洲讓點給蘇聯,能拖就拖…”這是廣島吃下第一顆原子彈後日本高層的反應。於是對外公告:廣島被太空隕石砸中,原子彈完全是謠言。這裡面沒有半點考慮1945年8月6日當天就被炸死的8.8人。打臉飛快。8月9日,長崎又被吃了一顆原子彈,全城27萬人,當天死去6萬多那第三顆只是時間問題了。日本人開始慌。 8月11日,他們預測的下一個目標新瀉居民全部逃光。8月14日,7枚重量於原子彈相當的炸彈在京都不遠處爆炸。8月15日,日本無條件投降。02其實當時日本上上下下知道已經被世界包圍,投降只是時間問題。但都幻想拖延時間爭取一些對日本有利的條件:保存國體;總部負責解除武裝及遣散軍隊;不佔領日本本土、朝鮮半島或臺灣;授權日本政府來懲罰戰犯。老王:這還投降個屁,當盟軍都是娃娃?03日本底氣在哪呢?地理!要說阿富汗是地球上最難打的國家。日本第一個跳出來反對。首先日本本土面積很大,比英國、德國、意大利都大。你看著不大,那是在巨無霸俄羅斯、中國邊上。人家南北長2000公里,相當於北京到廣州,世界上找不到幾個的。而且本土離朝鮮半島有200公里。單說對馬島到日本 就有80公里。英吉利海峽40公里不到,希特勒怎麼空襲就是打不過去。就算是從朝鮮半島登陸了,日本西邊也是無盡的懸崖峭壁,完全沒法展開機械化部隊。元朝忽必烈就在福岡登陸過,結果是全軍覆沒,這種地形完全一夫當關萬夫莫敵。盟軍最後不得不選擇東邊登陸。面對超長的攻擊線。日本南邊一系列的島鏈又是非常頭痛的事。這些小島看著沒毛用。不拿下來,前方在登陸日本,後方被切斷供給是分分鐘的事。1944年7月9,盟軍拿下塞班島,犧牲1.6萬人。8個月後,拿下硫磺島,犧牲7千人。再3個月後,拿下衝繩,犧牲7萬人。自此,面對越來越頑強的抵抗,登陸日本,盟軍計劃傷亡100萬人以上。041939年,美國人還在中立國夢中瘋狂賺錢,羅斯福自己是知道戰爭是一定會燒到美國的。不過民眾不認,他就也不敢表態,雖然心裡賊著急。這年8月2號,愛因斯坦私人給羅斯福寫了一封信,沒啥廢話:原子彈美國不造,德國先弄出來,大家就真要歇菜的。以下是原文,大家感受下:Albert EinsteinOld Grove Rd.Nassau PointPeconic, Long IslandAugust 2nd, 1939F.D. RooseveltPresident of the United StatesWhite HouseWashington, D.C.Sir:Some recent work by E.Fermi and L. Szilard, which has been communicated to me in manuscript, leads me to expect that the element uranium may be turned into a new and important source of energy in the immediate future. Certain aspects of the situation which has arisen seem to call for watchfulness and, if necessary, quick action on the part of the Administration. I believe therefore that it is my duty to bring to your attention the following facts and recommendations:In the course of the last four months it has been made probable – through the work of Joliot in France as well as Fermi and Szilard in America – that it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future.This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conceivable – though much less certain – that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory. However, such bombs might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air.The United States has only very poor ores of uranium in moderate quantities. There is some good ore in Canada and the former Czechoslovakia, while the most important source of uranium is Belgian Congo.In view of the situation you may think it desirable to have more permanent contact maintained between the Administration and the group of physicists working on chain reactions in America. One possible way of achieving this might be for you to entrust with this task a person who has your confidence and who could perhaps serve in an inofficial capacity. His task might comprise the following:a) to approach Government Departments, keep them informed of the further development, and put forward recommendations for Government action, giving particular attention to the problem of securing a supply of uranium ore for the United States;b) to speed up the experimental work, which is at present being carried on within the limits of the budgets of University laboratories, by providing funds, if such funds be required, through his contacts with private persons who are willing to make contributions for this cause, and perhaps also by obtaining the co-operation of industrial laboratories which have the necessary equipment.I understand that Germany has actually stopped the sale of uranium from the Czechoslovakian mines which she has taken over. That she should have taken such early action might perhaps be understood on the ground that the son of the German Under-Secretary of State, von Weizs?cker, is attached to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut in Berlin where some of the American work on uranium is now being repeated.Yours very trulyAlbert Einstein6年後,1945年4月12日,63歲羅斯福突然去世,副總統杜魯門當晚宣誓就職,雖然只花了一分鐘。但一份後聽到的消息,著實非常震驚!新總統聽到一個他沒聽說過的秘密:曼哈頓計劃。這個計劃又10萬人參加,已經燒了20億美金,參與計劃的人大部分不知道自己在做什麼,只知道很忙。可喜的是,科學家表示:大家有信心接下來4個月內,原子彈會被造出來。7月17日,美國、蘇聯、英國在柏林近郊波茨坦開會。美國有點擔心:沒有蘇聯參與,打日本需要很久;又擔心蘇聯參戰後,在遠東影響力過於強大。照片是p的 但心情就是這個意思剛好,美國原子彈試爆成功,杜魯門就甩開蘇聯和丘吉爾照會蔣介石,直接發了條微博。大意是說:小日本,趕緊投降!日本根本不予理會。自己在沖繩島幹掉7萬盟軍,膨脹的不得了!認為自己利用本土的多山優勢,應該可以拖死白人大兵!全然忘了自己作為守方,掛了10萬人!而且地利有個屁用,得有錢,得人和。05京都本來是第一個吃原子彈的城市。為了效果最大化,盟軍故意不轟炸它(同一批也有幾個沒轟炸得,京都排第一位)。其實從1944年盟軍拿下塞班島,日本本土就在B-29轟炸機範圍內,800多架B-29每次帶幾頓炸藥前往日本投餵~ 東京、佐世保、名古屋,神戶、橫須賀…一年下來,日本65個城市已幾乎沒有完整的建築物,獨獨京都沒啥被傷害~日本人越是都搬到這裡窩著,人越多,美國人越開心。這段時間內,遠在美國的另一批B-29則把飛機清空,每次只運一枚10頓炸彈進行練習,飛行員不知道練這個幹啥,總之目標是:炸彈飛行距離最少9000米,誤差300米內。京都是幸運的,美國陸軍部長年輕時當過菲律賓總督,打卡過幾次京都,有感情,最後說服了杜魯門,於是,廣島就倒黴的成為第一個吃原子彈的。歷史這東西,全是偶然。廣島念著好聽對吧?還有一首廣島之戀。實際上這座打著“愛好和平,反對戰爭”的陸軍之城,一代代日本兵從這裡出發:鴨綠江打清兵、奉天打俄國人、吞朝鮮半島、扶持偽滿洲國、搞盧溝橋、南京、武漢、桂林大橋……反正與和平有關的事,它就不做。1945年8月6日- 00:00六名機組人員被召集去做最後的簡報1945年早上8點,3架B-29出現廣島上空,這批在美國本土練習幾個月的飛機,之前投的都是普通炸彈,這次有一架(B-29A 44-86292)已經裝了5噸重的原子彈-小男孩。8點14分17秒瞄準廣島一座橋的正中。60秒後,小男孩被放下。45秒後,在離地面600空中爆炸。之前對轟炸機習以為常的廣島人還沒來得及吃驚,就消失了。06在東京的廣播控制操作員發現廣島突然停止廣播,打電話沒人接。20分鐘後,廣島北部和一些小型鐵路站穿來非官方騷亂報告:一次可怕的爆炸!日本帝國參謀總部試圖多次聯繫廣島陸軍管制站,沒有收到任何回應,參謀部表示不解:廣島根本沒這麼多炸藥!總部一年輕的軍官提議自己去看看,大家普遍認為只是一次小爆炸,不必擔心。小年輕飛了3小時後,看到情況,傻眼了:煙霧雲蓋著城市,他們降在南部,看到燃燒的城市和遺體,盟軍此時監聽到廣播員說:幾乎所有活的東西,包括人類和動物都被燒死!關於為什麼非要是長崎?日本投降到底是不是無條件?下期繼續