09:15-09:30 Opening remarks
Edward L. Shaughnessy (The University of Chicago)
“The Future of China’s Past”
Zhao Qingmiao 趙慶淼 (Nankai University 南開大學):昭王南征問題的新研究
10:10-10:30 Break and photos
Liu Gang 劉剛 (Anhui University 安徽大學):從《仲尼曰》的一處簡文看“儒道之爭”對儒家經典文本的影響
Maddalena Poli (Pomona College):The Anhui University *Confucius said 仲尼曰 and the formation of the Analects
11:50-12:00 Break
12:00-13:00 Text reading
The Anhui University *Confucius said 仲尼曰
Adam Schwartz (Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學):從安大簡本《詩》證實《孔子詩論》“ 〼溺志。既曰天也,猶有怨言”為《鄘風•柏舟》篇的評述
Tang Pui Ling 鄧佩玲 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學):Revisiting the Guanju in Light of the Anhui University Bamboo Slips
15:20-15:40 Tea break
Vincent Leung (Lingnan University 嶺南大學):《心是謂中》與戰國時代的心身論
Andrej Fech (Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學):Reflections on the Zhouxun: historical vision, main ideas and background of creation